- Faculties
- IOSUD/CSUD – PhD studies
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral school
- Electronic Engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technologies
The doctoral study domain Electronic engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technologies operates in the University of Pitesti since the academic year 1997-1998. The doctoral studies in Electronics, Telecommunications and Information Technologies is part of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School, according to OMENCS no. 5382/2016 of 29.09.2016 regarding the functioning of doctoral schools in the academic year 2016-2017.
The mission of the doctoral studies field Electronic engineering, Telecommunications and Information Technologies is to develop doctoral education activities (level 8 qualifications from the European Qualifications Framework - EQF and from the National Qualifications Framework) and scientific research activities in the field of electronic engineering, telecommunications and information technologies, with visibility at national and international level, being in accordance with the UPIT mission, presented in the Charter of the University of Pitesti.
Prof. dr. eng. JURIAN Mariana - grade acquired according to OMECS no. 4211/20.07.2000
List of scientific papers & Research projects
Scientific profile and Thematic area
Prof. dr. eng. GAVRILOAIA Gheorghe - grade acquired according to OMEN no. 5288/28.12.2001
List of scientific papers & Research projects
Scientific profile and Thematic area
Prof. dr. eng. habil. LIȚĂ Ioan - grade acquired according to OMEN no. 5100/28.09.2017
List of scientific papers & Research projects
Scientific profile and Thematic area
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. habil. ANGHELESCU Petre - grade acquired according to OMEN no. 3372/22.03.2018
List of scientific papers & Research projects
Scientific profile and Thematic area
Prof. dr. eng. habil. TULBURE Adrian Alexandru - grade acquired according to OMEN no. 3374/22.03.2018
List of scientific papers & Research projects
Scientific profile and Thematic area
Prof. dr. eng. IONIȚĂ Silviu
Prof. dr. eng. ȘERBAN Gheorghe
Prof. dr. eng. BIZON Nicu
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. IONESCU Laurențiu
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. MAZĂRE Alin
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. IANA Vasile Gabriel
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. VISAN Daniel
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. RISTEIU Mircea
Assoc. Prof. dr. eng. CEUCA Emilian
The development of activities within the doctoral study programs is done in accordance with Regulations for professional activities - doctoral studies, Regulations for organizing and conducting doctoral studies (text in Romanian) and Methodology for undertaking examinations, research projects and reports - doctoral studies (text in Romanian), being briefly described in the curriculum. It includes training program based on advanced university studies and the individual scientific research program:
- The training based on advanced university studies is carried out in the first semester of study through 4 compulsory disciplines (common at the doctoral field level) and two disciplines established by each doctoral supervisor depending on the competencies and research topics of the guided doctoral students. Schedule of the advanced university training program, academic year 2021-2022, first semester.
- The individual scientific research program is organized during the other semesters and includes at least three scientific research reports, established by each doctoral supervisor according to the research topics of the guided doctoral students.
The doctoral students benefit, during the entire duration of the doctoral training studies, from the guidance of mentors (the guidance commission), which are established since the enrollment of the doctoral student.
The doctoral studies end with the elaboration and public presentation of the doctoral thesis, which must be the result of the own research activity of the doctoral student and contain original results in the field of scientific knowledge. The elaboration and writing of the doctoral thesis is carried out according to the rules established at the level of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School (Rules for elaborating and writting doctoral theses) (text in Romanian).
The actual research-development-innovation activities take place, in particular, in laboratories belonging to the Department of Electronics, Computers and Electrical Engineering within the Faculty of Electronics, Coomunications and Computers (research centers: CCMSPS and ELECTROMET) and CRC&D-Auto.
For the development of doctoral scientific research activities, professional training, and for the dissemination of results, doctoral students benefit from several sources of funding, as follows:
- funds for participation in scientific conferences and the acquisition of materials and inventory items necessary to carry out research activities, allocated from doctoral grants obtained by the university through institutional contract (subsidized places) and tuition fees (fee places), amounting to a minimum of 10% per annum;
- funds for participation in scientific conferences, for Ph.D. students employed by UPIT, allocated on the basis of the "Operational procedure for reimbursing expenses for publication and participation in scientific events";
- funds for carrying out scientific research activities, which can be obtained by funding applications submitted to the Internal Competition for Scientific Research Projects (CIPCS), according to the "Operational procedure for the internal competition of scientific research projects ".
Performance scientific research activities are stimulated on the basis of the "Operational procedure for stimulating scientific research and academic creation of excellence" and the "Operational procedure for stimulating young researchers with results of excellence".
At the FECC/DECIE level, mobility agreements with foreign universities are concluded through the Center for International Relations and the ERASMUS Bureau acorduri de mobilitate cu universitati din strainatate. (text in Romanian). These agreements aim at the mobility of doctoral students, which can be achieved during doctoral studies, in accordance with the address on the selection of ERASMUS + 2022-2023 students.
The admission colocqvium will be held on 14 SEPTEMBER 2022, at 11.00 AM, room T405.
Admission to doctoral studies is based on the the Regulations for admission at University of Pitesti, the Methodology for organizing and conducting the doctoral admission contest, and the Regulations for organizing and conducting doctoral studies within the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School (documents in Romanian).
The admission contest includes a specialized test, which consists in the oral presentation - in front of a commission - of one's own preoccupations with scientific research, of the studied bibliography, and of a direction in which the doctoral thesis would be completed. This presentation is followed by a clarifying discussion with the members of the commission for admission to doctoral studies.
Additional information about doctoral admission - 2022
The admission colocqvium will be held on 15 SEPTEMBER 2021, at 10.00 AM, on-line, using Skype platform (the connection link of the candidates will be sent to them on 14.09.2021 by email, on their contact addresses).
Admission to doctoral studies is made on the basis of Regulations for online admission at UPIT 2021-2022, (text in Romanian) and Methodology for organizing and conducting the doctoral admission contest (text in Romanian) and the Regulations for organizing and conducting doctoral studies within the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School (text in Romanian).
The methodology provides, according to articles 16, 17 and 18, discussions and interviews with candidates on: the academic, research and professional performance of candidates, their interest in scientific research, publications in the field and a research topic proposal. The admission contest includes a specialized test, which consists in the oral presentation - in front of a commission - of one's own preoccupations with scientific research, of the studied bibliography, and of a direction in which the doctoral thesis would be completed. This presentation is followed by a clarifying discussion with the members of the commission for admission to doctoral studies.
Additional information about doctoral admission - 2021
IOSUD UPIT: Useful forms
CCOC UPIT: Career Counseling and Guidance Center of the University of Pitesti
UPIT Library & Access to Scientific Resourses
International scientific events in the domain of Electronic engineering, Telecommunications and Information technologies, organized in Romania:
- ECAI: INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on Electronics, Computers and Artificial Intelligence
- SIITME: INTERNATIONAL Symposium for Design and Technology in Electronic Packaging
- JEEECCS: Journal of Electrical Engineering, Electronics, Control and Computer Science
- Scientific Bulletin Series: Electronics and Computer Science (http://bulletin.feccupit.ro/)
Date: 27.02.2023
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
Proces - Verbal evaluare și selecție a dosarelor de concurs Încheiat astăzi: 12.02.2025 Proiect PRIMSTUD
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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