- International Relations
- Erasmus + Office
- ERASMUS+ (Programme Countries + Partner Countries)
- Incoming Students
Sudent mobilities for studies - from 3 to 12 months (including a complementary traineeship period, if planned).
To ensure high-quality mobility activities with a maximum impact on the students, the mobility activity has to be compatible with the student’s degree-related learning and personal development needs. The study period must be part of the student’s study programme to complete a degree at a short cycle, first cycle (Bachelor or equivalent), second cycle (Master or equivalent) and third or doctoral cycle.
Student mobility for traineeship - from 2 to 12 months.
Traineeships at a workplace are suported during short cycle, first, second, third cycle studies and within a maximum of one year after the student’s graduation.
Institutional details
Name of the institution |
Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie POLITEHNICA București – Centrul Universitar Pitești |
Erasmus Code |
1010-Tran-880988630 |
Institution website |
Carmen Andreea BURCEA
Address: Targu din Vale, 1, Room No. I33.
110040, Pitesti, Romania
Tel./Fax: +40348453333
E-mail: carmen.burcea3103@upb.ro
Web: https://www.upit.ro/ro/international/erasmusplus
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalRelations.UPIT/
Application Deadlines
Autumn Semester and Full Academic Year |
30 JUNE |
Spring Semester |
We inform you that we do not receive nomination mails from students! The nominations have to be sent exclusively by the Erasmus office of the origin institution. The coordinator in the partner university should send an official email of application to the responsible persons in National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest - Pitești University Center. The email should contain:
- Student’s name
- Faculty/ specialization
- Level of study bachelor/ master
- Year of study
- ID card or Passport
The application email should be sent to:
Contact person |
Mr. Carmen Andreea BURCEA |
Responsibility |
Assistant of the Erasmus+ Office |
Contact details |
E-mail: carmen.burcea3103@upb.ro, tel/fax : +40 348 453 333 |
Grading system
In the Romanian university system, a 10-point scale is used, 5 being the minimum grade for passing. Each numerical grade corresponds to a qualitative grade as follows: Fail (FX, F): 1- 4; Sufficient (E) - 5; Satisfactory (D) - 6; Good (C) - 7, 8; Very Good (B) - 9, Excellent (A) - 10.
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
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Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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