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- Facultatea de Științe, Educație Fizicã şi Informaticã
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- Departamentul Stiinte ale Naturii
- Current Trends in Natural Sciences
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Current Trends in Natural Sciences
ISSN (online) 2284-953X
ISSN (CD-ROM) 2284-9521
ISSN-L 2284-9521
Publisher University of Pitesti, EUP
Edited by: Monica Popescu
Publisher: University of Pitesti Publishing House, Pitesti, Romania
Publication Fee: no Fee
Paper acces: Full text articles available for Free
Journal Contact: CTNS Editorial Office - Pitesti, Targu din vale Street, No. 1, Romania; E-mail: b_science_upit@yahoo.com; Tel. 00400740059721

Current Trends in Natural Sciences by University of Pitesti is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at http://www.natsci.upit.ro.
Permissions beyond the scope of this license may be available at http://www.natsci.upit.ro.
- CTNS tries to be a stimulus and a dissemination instrumentfor the research activity of Romanian and foreign investigators. The aim of CTNS is to publish articles in: biology, ecology and environmental protection, soil science, land measurements and land improvements, horticulture (fruit growing, viticulture, vegetable growing, floriculture etc), articles that promote the quality of life, as well as the findings of interdisciplinary research in natural sciences. The Journal also aims to facilitate and enhance communication across all the sub-disciplines of the natural sciences.
DOAJ – DIRECTORY OF OPEN ACCES JOURNALS – is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. CURRENT TRENDS IN NATURAL SCIECNES is indexed in DOAJ.
- Mission – Current Trends in Natural Sciences is an electronic journal that aims to offer easy access to the scientific knowledge of NATURAL SCIENCES. Current Trends in Natural Sciences is a peer-reviewed scientific journal. The journal provides open access to its content - all published articles are accessible in PDF format free of charge.Current Trends in Natural Sciences is an official publication of the Faculty of Sciences at the University of Pitesti, intended to make research results in the fields of Science & Technology and Health Sciences available. Articles will be contributed by faculty members as well as by specialists from other Romanian and foreign institutions.
- Scope - The main objective of CTNS is to reunite specialists from different fields, such as botany, zoology, physiology, genetics, biotechnology, horticulture, environmental protection, soil science, land measurements and land improvements, biology, ecology, biochemistry, education, health and nutrition. The journal encourages the publication of the results of interdisciplinary research and studies in natural sciences as well the publication of articles about the quality of life. Researchers from areas related to biology, biochemistry, ecology, medicine, horticulture and land improvements will be invited to publish the latest information they have gathered and the results of their research. The target group will be made up of academic researchers, specialists from research institutes, teachers, psychologists, nutritionists, and other specialists involved in the field of natural sciences.
- Editor-in Chief
POPESCU Monica - University of Pitesti
- Editorial Committee (in alphabetical order)
DELIU Ionica – University of Pitesti
DOBRESCU Codruta Mihaela – University of Pitesti
MATROZI MARIN Adina - University of Pitesti
PAUNESCU Alina – University of Pitesti
POPESCU Aurel – University of Pitesti
POPESCU Gheorghe Cristian – University of Pitesti
SOARE Liliana Cristina - University of Pitesti
TRUTA Alina Mihaela - University of Pitesti
- Editorial Board (in alphabetical order)
ALEXIU Valeriu – University of Pitesti
BADEA Marcela – Banat University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Timisoara
BARBUCEANU Daniela – University of Pitesti
BREZEANU Aurelia - Institute of Biology, Bucharest
BREZEANU Gheorghe - Institute of Biology, Bucharest
BRINZEA Gheorghita – University of Pitesti
CEAUSU Constantin – University of Pitesti
CIUCUREL Constantin - University of Pitesti
CONETE Denisa - University of Pitesti
DOROBAT Leonard Magdalin - University of Pitesti
DRAGHICI Octavian – University of Pitesti
DRAGULESCU Constantin – Lucian Blaga University, Sibiu
FALCA Marin – University of Pitesti
FIERASCU IRINA – The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, ICECHIM, Bucharest, Romania
FIERASCU Radu Claudiu - The National Institute for Research & Development in Chemistry and Petrochemistry, ICECHIM, Bucharest, Romania
GAVA Radu – University of Pitesti
IANOVICI Nicoleta – West University of Timisoara
KAMPUSS Kaspars - Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia
MAN Mihail George - University of Pitesti
MARIAN Madalina – University of Pitesti
MARINESCU Alexandru Gabriel – University of Pitesti
MIHAESCU Florina Cristina – University of Pitesti
NEBLEA Monica Angela – University of Pitesti
PARSOVA Velta - Latvia University of Agriculture, Latvia, full member of Latvian Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences
PONEPAL Maria Cristina – University of Pitesti
POPESCU Carmen Florentina – National Research and Development Institute for Biotechnology in Horticulture Stefanesti Arges
RABAN – MOTOUNU Nicoleta - University of Pitesti
RAKOSY Elena – Babes-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca
RICHITEANU Anghel – University of Pitesti
SANDA Vasile – Institute of Biology, Bucharest
STANCU Daniela Ileana – Arges County Museum
STANICA Florin – University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest
STEFANOV Stefan – University of Food Technology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria
STOICA Ileana - University of Bucharest
SUTAN Anca Nicoleta – University of Pitesti
TITIZER Thomas – Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn, Germany
TOMA Florin - University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Bucharest
ULEANU Florina - University of Pitesti
VITALIA Ileana – Loredana - University of Pitesti
CTNS publish original papers, presenting results of recent theoretical and experimental researches, as well as reviews and technical notes. The language of publication is English.
It is the responsibility of each author to ensure that the papers submitted to the CTNS are written respecting ethical standards regarding plagiarism, dual publication and figure manipulation.
The authors are exclusively responsible for the content of their articles submitted to CTNS and also for the validity of the experimental results.
- The full papers for publication in Current Trends in Natural Sciences will be written in English. Instructions for authors are available here.
- The Publication and Copyright Transfer Agreement, available here, completed and signed (in blue ink) by the corresponding author, shall be submitted to the Journal “Current Trends in Natural Sciences”, before the paper can be considered for publication. Please scan the agreement and send it by email to b_science_upit@yahoo.com.
- Peer review process: The peer reviewers of articles submitted to CURRENT TRENDS IN NATURAL SCIENCES are members of the journal's editorial board and other experts in the area covered by each article. To increase the transparency of each peer review, the Editorial Board of CURRENT TRENDS IN NATURAL SCIENCES has prepared a Review Form on which the reviewer evaluates articles.
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