- International Relations
- Framework & Implementation Agreements
No. Crt. |
Partner University |
Type of Agreement |
1 |
University of Dabrowa Gornicza, Poland E-mail: info@wsb.edu.pl; Website: http://www.wsb.edu.pl |
1-Framework Agreement |
2 |
L'Ecole Nationale Polytechnique, Algerie Mail : enp@g.enp.edu.dz; Website: www.enp.edu.dz |
1-Framework Agreement |
3 |
Azerbaijan Technical University, Baku, Azerbaijan E-mail : ird@aztu.edu.az; Website: http://www.aztu.edu.az/azp/ |
1-Framework Agreement |
4 |
Yanka Kupala State University of Grodno, Republic of Belarus E-mail: mail@grsu.by; Website: http://www.en.grsu.by/ |
1-Framework Agreement |
5 |
University of Aldo Moro Bari, Italy E-mail: universitabari@pec.it.; Website: http://rettorato.uniba.it |
1-Framework Agreement |
6 |
Public Administration Academy of RA, Republic of Armenia E-mail: info@paara.am; Website: http://paara.am/ |
1-Framework Agreement |
7 |
State Higher Education Institute Pryazovskyi State Technical University, Ukraine E-mail: office@pstu.edu; Website: http://www.pstu.edu/ |
1-Framework Agreement |
8 |
National Transport University, Ukraine E-mail: general@ntu.kiev.ua; Website: http://www.ntu.edu.ua |
1-Framework Agreement |
9 |
National University of Architecture and Construction of Armenia, Republic of Armenia E-mail: dimord.nuaca@gmail.com; Website: http://www.nuaca.am |
1-Framework Agreement |
10 |
Zaporizhazhya National University, Ukraine E-mail: zv@znu.edu.ua; Website: https://www.znu.edu.ua |
1-Framework Agreement |
11 |
Lviv University of Trade and Economics, Ukraine E-mail: lute@lute.lviv.ua; Website: http://www.lute.lviv.ua |
1-Framework Agreement |
12 |
Chernihiv National T.G. Shevchenko Pedagogical University, Ukraine Website: http://www.chnpu.edu.ua |
1-Framework Agreement |
13 |
Shirak State University after M. Nalbandyan, Republic of Armenia Website: http://www.gspi.am |
1-Framework Agreement |
14 |
Odessa State Academy of Civil Engineering and Architecture, Ukraine E-mail: cps@ogasa.org.ua; Website: http://www.ogasa.org.ua |
1-Framework Agreement |
15 |
Tiraspol State University, Republic of Moldova Website: www.ust.md |
1-Framework Agreement |
16 |
Yerevan Brusov State University of Languages and Social Sciences, Republic of Armenia E-mail: info@brusov.am; Website: http://www.brusov.am |
1-Framework Agreement |
17 |
Humanitarian Institute of Hrazdan, Republic of Armenia E-mail: hrhumanitar@mail.ru; Website: www.hinstitute.am |
1-Framework Agreement |
18 |
Nakhchivan University, Azerbaijan E-mail: info@ndu.edu.az, admin@ndu.edu.az; Website: http://www.nu.edu.az |
1-Framework Agreement |
19 |
Belarusian State Pedagogical University Named After Maxim Tank, Republic of Belarus E-mail: webmaster@bspu.by; Website: http://en.bspu.by |
1-Framework Agreement |
20 |
Universitatea de Stat din Moldova, Republica Moldova E-mail: usm.international@yahoo.com; Website: http://www.usm.md |
1-Framework Agreement |
21 |
Career Global, India Website: http://www.globalcareercompany.com |
1-Framework Agreement |
22 |
University of Elbasan "Aleksander Xhuvani", Albania E-mail: int.relations1@uniel.edu.al; Website: http://www.uniel.edu.al |
1-Framework Agreement |
23 |
Vignans Foundation For Science & Technology University, India E-mail: info@vignanuniversity.org; Website: http://www.vignanuniversity.org |
1-Framework Agreement |
24 |
L’Association de Sauvegarde de L'Enfant a L'Adulte 01 France E-mail: celine.veuillet@sauvegarde01.fr; Website: http://www.sauvegarde01.fr |
1-Framework Agreement |
25 |
L’Université Cadi Ayyad, Maroc E-mail: ucacom@uca.com; Website: https://www.uca.ma |
1-Framework Agreement |
26 |
Universite Mohammed Premier Ecole Superieure de Technologie Oujda, Faculty of Engineering, Maroc E-mail: a.bouali@ump.ac.ma; Website: http://esto.ump.ma |
2-Implementation Agreement |
27 |
Marwadi Education Foundation, India Email: info@marwadieducation.edu.in; Website: http://www.marwadiuniversity.in |
1-Framework Agreement |
28 |
MIT Art, Design and Technology University, Pune, India E-mail: sunita.karad@mituniversity.edu.in; Website: www.mituniversity.edu.in |
1-Framework Agreement |
29 |
Manav Rachna University, India E-mail: director.planning@mrei.ac.in; Website: http://mriu.edu.in |
1-Framework Agreement |
30 |
Ambasada Statului Palestina la București E-mail: pl_em_romania@yahoo.com; Website: http://www.ambasadapalestina.ro |
2-Implementation Agreement |
31 |
Islamic Azad University, Iran E-mail: hamid.ghaffarzadeh@gmail.com; Website: www.srbiau.ac.ir |
1-Framework Agreement |
32 |
University of Struga, Republic of Macedonia E-mail: international@eust.edu.mk; Website: http://eust.edu.mk |
1-Framework Agreement |
33 |
INP Toulouse, Sciences des Materiaux et Chimie, France E-mail: Rel-int@ensat.fr; Website: http://www.inp-toulouse.fr |
2-Implementation Agreement |
34 |
INP Toulouse, Science et Technologie des Materiaux, France E-mail: Rel-int@ensat.fr; Website: http://www.inp-toulouse.fr |
3-Double Degree Agreement |
35 |
Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, France E-mail: relations.internationales@utbm.fr, adeline.zamofing@utbm.fr; Website: http://www.utbm.fr |
1-Framework Agreement |
36 |
Universite de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, France E-mail: adeline.zamofing@utbm.fr; Website: http://www.utbm.fr |
3-Double Diploma Agreement |
37 |
Universita degli Studi Roma TRE, Italy E-mail: international.relations@uniroma3.it; Website: http://www.uniroma3.it |
1-Framework Agreement |
38 |
Mansoura University, Egypt E-mail: Scimdoffice@mans.edu.eg; Website: http://www.mans.edu.eg |
1-Framework Agreement |
39 |
Mansoura University, Faculty of Nursing, Egypt E-mail: Scimdoffice@mans.edu.eg, Website: http://www.mans.edu.eg |
2-Implementation Agreement |
40 |
University of Calabria, Italy E-mail: segr.rettore@unical.it; cinzia.clarizia@unical.it; Website: http://www.unical.it |
1-Framework Agreement |
41 |
University of Ruse, Bulgaria E-mail: eims@uni-ruse.bg; secretary@uni-ruse.bg; Website: http://www.uni-ruse.bg |
1-Framework Agreement |
42 |
Institut Regional et Europeen des Metiers de l’Intervention Sociale, Faculte de Theologie, France E-mail: dg@ireis.org; Website: http://www.ireis.org |
2-Implementation Agreement |
43 |
Guangxi University, China E-mail: bbt_mike2002@yahoo.com; lxs@gxu.edu.cn; Website: http://www.gxu.edu.cn |
1-Framework Agreement |
44 |
Institut de Ciencia de Materials de Barcelona, Faculty of Sciences, Spain Email: info@icmab.es; Website: http://icmab.es |
2-Implementation Agreement |
45 |
Institut National des Sciences Appliquees de Lyon, France E-mail: accueil@insa-lyon.fr; dri@insa-lyon.fr; Website: http://www.insa-lyon.fr |
1-Framework Agreement |
46 |
Agri Ibrahim Cecen University, Turkey E-mail: erasmus@agri.edu.tr; tyanik@agri.edu.tr; Website: https://www.agri.edu.tr |
1-Framework Agreement |
47 |
University of Zielona Gora, Poland E-mail: rektorat@uz.zgora.pl; Website: http://www.uz.zgora.pl |
1-Framework Agreement |
48 |
Universitatea de Stat ”Alecu Russo” din Bălți, Republica Moldova E-mail: rector@usarb.md; Website: www.usarb.md |
1-Framework Agreement |
49 |
Biroul Consiliului Internațional de Limba Chineză, Ambasada Chinei la București E-mail: dengliming2015@gmail.com; Website: http://www.chinaembassy.org.ro |
2-Implementation Agreement |
50 |
Berner Bildungszentrum Pflege, Faculty of Sciences, Switzerland E-mail: elisabeth.crepin@bzpflege.ch; international@bspflege.ch; Website: http://www.bzpflege.ch |
2-Implementation Agreement |
51 |
Genoa University, Italy E-mail: sass@unige.it; protocollo@pec.unige.it; Website: www.studenti.unige.it |
1-Framework Agreement |
52 |
National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece Email: rector@uoa.gr; Website: http://en.uoa.gr |
1-Framework Agreement |
53 |
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal E-mail: vrensino@ubi.pt; Website: http://www.ubi.pt |
1-Framework Agreement |
54 |
Universitatea Tehnică a Moldovei (UTM), Republica Moldova E-mail: rectorat@mail.utm.md; Website: http://utm.md |
1-Framework Agreement |
55 |
Universita Degli Studi di Torino, Facolta di Scienze della Formazione, Italy E-mail: segrstu.mfn@unito.it, urp@unito.it; Website: http://en.unito.it |
5-Training mobilities |
56 |
Ambasada Franței în România, Facultatea de Mecanică și Tehnologie, București E-mail: alexandre.talhouk@diplomatie.gouv.fr; Website: http://www.ambafrance-ro.org |
2-Implementation Agreement |
57 |
Université de Lorraine, France Website: http://www.univ-lorraine.fr |
2-Implementation Agreement |
58 |
Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, France E-mail: khadijetou.ba@cnam.fr, pierre-alexis.prevos@cnam.fr; Website: http://www.cnam.eu |
1-Framework Agreement |
59 |
The International Society for Research on Innovation and Change in Health Care Systems, India and Australia India Office: E-mail: india.chair@rsisinternational.org; Australia Office: E-mail: australia@rsisinternational.org; Website: http://www.noahhealth.org |
1-Framework Agreement |
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
Proces - Verbal evaluare și selecție a dosarelor de concurs Încheiat astăzi: 12.02.2025 Proiect PRIMSTUD
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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