Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Româna English Français


In order to achieve the Education mission, the Manufacturing and Industrial Management Department coordinates the following Master's Degree programs:

Materials Science and Technology (STM) - 1.5 years

• Manufacturing and Product Manufacturing Management (IMFP) - 2 years

• Logistics Management (ML) - 1.5 years

Materials Science and Technology (RO, STM) is a Master's Degree in Interdisciplinary Industrial Engineering - Automotive Engineering - Chemistry) field, which was founded in the University of Piteşti in the 1995-1996 academic year, through collaboration with engineering universities and schools in France: INP Toulouse, INSA Lyon, ENI Tarbes, University of Metz, Paris Central School. From the academic year 2004-2005, the Master program has a double-coordination: UPIT - National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, offering the possibility of obtaining a double diploma; all collaborating Universities mentioned above were joined by INP Loraine, the University of Clermont Ferrand and the Institute of Material Science in Barcelona.

Teaching activities are conducted in French, and graduates acquire skills in characterization and choice of semi-manufactured materials and technologies for products used in the industrial and nuclear fields.

Competences & Professions

STM Education Plan

2016-2018 / 2015-2017

Discipline papers valid for the academic year 2016-2017

Year I

Year II



Sem. 1

Sem. 2

Sem. 1

Sem. 2


Fields & areas of research

Study completion guide

STM flyer 2016

Science et Technologie des Matériaux



Engineering and Product Manufacturing Management (RO, IMFP) is a Master's Degree specialization in Industrial Engineering, which was founded in the University of Piteşti in the academic year 2005 - 2006. Starting with the academic year 2012 – 2013, the Master program has international collaboration (Université de Lorraine - Metz site).

The Master aims to train specialists in integrated product design and manufacturing and in the management of the manufacturing process. The IMFP graduate is thus expected to be able to model and design the products' landmarks, to simulate their manufacturing, but also to be able to manage the manufacturing, using software such as: ABAQUS, CATIA, etc.

The knowledge, skills and competences acquired during the Master's Degree studies allow graduates to be trained in the field of product manufacturing and offer them the opportunity to access various occupations on the labor market. They can access numerous positions and functions such as Mechanical Products Design Engineer, Integrated Manufacturing Technologies Engineer, Process Equipment Researcher, Head of Mechanical Product Design Department, Production Project Manager, etc. and can continue their PhD studies in the field of Industrial Engineering.


Competences & Professions

IMFP curriculum

2017-2019 / 2016-2018 / 2015-2017

Course files valid for the academic year 2016-2017


Year I

Year II

Sem. 1

Sem. 2

Sem. 1

Sem. 2


Fields & areas of research

Study completion guide

Admission Methodology 2017

IMFP flyer 2017


Logistics Management (RO, ML) is a Master's Degree in Engineering and Management, which was founded in the University of Piteşti in the academic year 2007 - 2008. It is the first Master in Romania in the field of Industrial Logistics, at the AUTOMOBILE DACIA initiative and is internationally collaborative (Universite de Lorraine - site Metz).

The graduate of the ML specialization acquires solid knowledge in the management of the logistics chain, general engineering and management skills (production and stock management, production process research) and, most of all, specialized "industrial logistics" skills (management of logistics operations, implantation and simulation of logistics flows, quality and audit of logistics processes, logistics equipment maintenance, logistics project management).

Thus, the specialist logistics engineer finds his place in the various levels of management in industrial companies, especially those included in a logistics chain in areas such as: production flow management, manufacturing programming, buying-selling, project management, process improvement.

The knowledge, skills and competences of the ML graduate allow him to continue his studies at the doctoral level in the field of Engineering and Management or Industrial Engineering.



Competences & Professions

ML curriculum

2016-2018 / 2015-2017

Course files valid for the academic year 2016-2017

Year I

Year II

Sem. 1

Sem. 2

Sem. 1

Sem. 2


Fields & areas of research

Study completion guide

Admission Methodololgy 2016

ML 2016 flyer                                               

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