Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

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Instituție de învățământ superior cu grad de încredere ridicat Logo ARACIS
Româna English Français

Entry at the linguistic competence examination is made by submitting an application form to the email address of Logos Foreign Languages Centre (logos2016@upit.ro, logos.upit@yahoo.com) or by registering it at the secretariat of the Faculty of Theology, Letters, History and Arts, at least 24 hours prior to examination appointment.

To download the application form click here

Candidates can also register by filling in the online application form available at https://forms.gle/MofnmBvTrPfbm3nL7


Documents needed for taking the linguistic competence test:

 ID document/passport 

A valid student ID (if applicable)

A photocopy of the original deposit application fee

These papers will be sent before the test to logos.upit@yahoo.com 

Taking the test

The language tests are organised onsite or online (the candidates express their option in the application form). Information concerning the examination date and place will be sent to the candidates by email after they register and pay the fee. 


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