Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

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Instituție de învățământ superior cu grad de încredere ridicat Logo ARACIS
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The vision, mission, objectives, norms and values of IOSUD University of Pitesti are in line with those assumed by the UPIT Charter, being known by all members of the university community

The vision of IOSUD University of Pitesti is to excel as an institution of modern and dynamic scientific education and research, based on competitiveness and quality, active and integrated in the local, regional, national community and in the European Area of Higher Education. IOSUD University of Pitesti aims to affirm and consolidate a distinct regional/national/international identity through the mission, norms and values assumed, meant to give it visibility and prestige.

IOSUD University of Pitesti assumes its didactic and research mission, by achieving the trinomial of the modern university: education - research - community services, as follows:

- Training of doctoral students in order to obtain the necessary skills to carry out scientific research at high quality standards, to meet the need for competence of the socio-economic environment and to adapt to permanent changes.

- Generation and transfer of knowledge through fundamental and applied scientific research, development, innovation and technology transfer, individual and collective creation, relevant and significant at regional, national and international level, of PhD students.

- Promoting and developing partnerships at local, regional, national and international levels in order to involve IOSUD University of Pitesti in solving community problems and increasing visibility and prestige.

National Education law no. 1/2011

National Education Law 1/2011 updated

GD no. 681/2011 Code of doctoral university studies

Law no. 49/2013

GD no. 134/2016 for the amendment and completion of the Code of doctoral studies

Regulations for the organization and development of doctoral studies within IOSUD University of Pitesti

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