- International Relations
- Erasmus + Office
- ERASMUS+ (Programme Countries + Partner Countries)
- Incoming Students
- Acceptance stages of incoming students - KA131
Acceptance stages of incoming students within Politehnica Bucharest –
University Centre of Pitești (Erasmus+ KA131 – Programme Countries)
To be accepted, an incoming student must complete the following steps:
- The Erasmus+ Office of the home university nominates the student:
- If the home university representative has access to the platform www.erasmus.upb.ro, s/he can make the nomination directly on the platform;
- If the representative of the home university does not have access to the platform www.erasmus.upb.ro, the nomination will be sent by email to the Erasmus+ Office of the host university, at erasmus.pitesti@upb.ro; access to the platform will be granted to the representative so that the nomination to be completed;
- Following the nomination on the platform, the student automatically receives the login credentials to log in,
- The Erasmus+ Office of the host university sends an email informing the student about the steps he must take to complete the acceptance process:
- The student fills in the Application form with all the requested data and sends it (Submit),
- The nomination responsible from the home university checks the correctness of the data in the Application form, Validates, Signs and Saves the application,
- With the support of the responsible person from the home university, the student completes the Learning Agreement (LA) on the platform www.erasmus.upb.ro (the student has the right to choose subjects at bachelor's & master's level, from a maximum of two faculties within the University Centre of Pitești; he will be assigned and registered automatically within the faculty where he accumulates the highest number of ECTS),
- The Vice-dean E+ Responsible of the host faculty where the student is automatically assigned and registered checks the Learning Agreement and, if the student also chooses subjects from another faculty, communicates with the Vice-dean of the second faculty in order to confirm the subjects chosen by the student and the correctness of the ECTS or other necessary information;
- If the LA is correct, the Vice-dean will approve it;
- If changes are necessary, the Vice-dean will communicate the changes to the student and will assist him throughout the updating of the LA;
- The Erasmus+ Office of the host university checks the Application form and the supporting documents, if the LA has been approved and approves, in turn, the Application form,
- The Erasmus+ Office of the host university issues the Letter of Acceptance,
- The Erasmus+ Office facilitates obtaining the visa, by informing the competent institutions about the student's acceptance for studies/traineeship,
- The Erasmus+ Office provides information to the student regarding the organization of the trip,
- The Erasmus+ Office facilitates obtaining a room in the university dormitory, if the student has requested this through the application,
- On the first day of mobility, according to the Letter of Acceptance, the student has the obligation to present himself at the Erasmus+ Office of the host university, to present the documents requested by the incoming responsible, as appropriate,
- The student will communicate, permanently, with the person in charge with the incoming mobilities at the level of the Erasmus+ Office regarding the organization and general conduct of the mobility and with the Vice-dean of the faculty / Vice-deans of the faculties where he/she carries out the mobility or with the person in charge of mobility regarding the academic activity,
- Within 4 weeks from the start of the mobility, the student, with the support of the Vice-dean and the person in charge of the home faculty, will complete the Changes section of the LA contents, if changes are necessary,
- Students who do not have EU citizenship and whose mobility exceeds 90 days, must obtain a temporary residence permit on the territory of Romania. In this case, the students will receive all the necessary information from the Erasmus+ Office and will be assisted by the incoming responsible in the application process for obtaining the residence permit,
- 10 days before the end of the mobility, the student sends to the Erasmus+ Office the proof of payment for the accommodation in the dormitory, the Departure certificate template (if applicable) and the travel documents for departure,
- The Erasmus+ Office will issue the Erasmus+ Mobility Certificate, which the student is required to pick up, in original,
- Within 30 days from the end of the mobility, the Vice-dean will issue the Transcript of Records/ After the mobility and send it to the Erasmus+ Office,
- The Erasmus+ Office will send the Transcript of records to the student and the Erasmus+ responsible at the home university.
Any nomination or individual application for mobility sent to third parties, except the Erasmus+ Office (by email or on the platform www.erasmus.upb.ro) will be forwarded to the Erasmus+ Office at the email address erasmus.pitesti@upb.ro.
The consent for mobility is issued exclusively by the Erasmus+ Office, following completion of all the previously mentioned steps.
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