- International Relations
- Erasmus + Office
- ERASMUS+ (Programme Countries + Partner Countries)
- Incoming Staff
Staff mobility for teaching: The duration of the mobility period is of 2 days (minimum) up to 2 months (maximum), excluding travel time. A teaching activity has to comprise a minimum of 8 hours of teaching per week (or any shorter period of stay). If the mobility lasts longer than one week, the minimum number of teaching hours for an incomplete week should be proportional to the duration of that week. This activity allows HEI teaching staff or staff from enterprises to teach at a partner HEI abroad. Staff mobility for teaching can be in any subject area/academic discipline.
Staff mobility for training: The duration of the mobility period is of 2 days (minimum) up to 2 months (maximum), excluding travel time. This activity supports the professional development of HEI teaching and non-teaching staff in the form of training events abroad (excluding conferences) and job shadowing/observation periods/training at a partner HEI, or at another relevant organization abroad.
Institutional details
Name of the institution |
Universitatea Națională de Știință și Tehnologie POLITEHNICA București - Centrul Universitar Pitești |
Erasmus Code |
ECHE | 1010-Tran-880988630 |
Institution website |
Main contacts
Ramona Elena TONEA (manager KA131)
Address: Targu din Vale, 1, Room No. I33.
110040, Pitesti, Romania
Tel./Fax: +40348453333
E-mail: ramona_elena.tonea@upb.ro
Web: https://www.upit.ro/ro/international/erasmusplus
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalRelations.UPIT/
Carmen Andreea BURCEA (manager KA171)
Address: Targu din Vale, 1, Room No. I33.
110040, Pitesti, Romania
Tel./Fax: +40348453333
E-mail: carmen.burcea3103@upb.ro
Web: https://www.upit.ro/ro/international/erasmusplus
Social Media: https://www.facebook.com/InternationalRelations.UPIT/
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
Proces - Verbal evaluare și selecție a dosarelor de concurs Încheiat astăzi: 12.02.2025 Proiect PRIMSTUD
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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