The project is carried out within the framework of the National Plan for Research, Development and Innovation 2015-2020, PNIII
Program P1 - Development of the National Research and Development System
Priority Axis 2 - Subprogram 1.2 - Institutional Performance. Institutional development projects - Complex Projects realized in the RDI Consortium
The consortium overall objective is to improve the institutional performance of public research organizations with tradition and opportunities to relaunch in socio-economic areas of interest for Romania by supporting and developing existing research competences at institutional level, as well as transfer capacities of applicable results.
The project “SMART MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGIES FOR ADVANCED PRODUCTION OF PARTS FROM AUTOMOTIVE AND AERONAUTICS INDUSTRIES (TFI PMAIAA)" aims to achieve a unitary vision of the new trends in the automotive and aviation industry by researching of the production chains and the related intelligent technologies. The research is focused on the development of new materials for automotive and aviation parts, the application of digital technologies to the manufacture of the prototype body parts from new materials, the development of control and inspection algorithms of body parts, the use of effective metal cutting techniques of the car parts and aviation, from special materials and, last but not least, the minimization of manufacturing costs through design of the some models of manufacturing flows simulation. The consortium consisting of the five universities that have defined the type of technologies to be developed, how they will work together, how to respect intellectual property and how to transfer knowledge to the general public. The consortium aims to employ a total of 10 graduated students for their training as researchers.
Consortium coordinator: Univ. "V. Alecsandri" din Bacau
Consortium partners: Univ. "V. Alecsandri" din Bacau | Univ. Pitesti | Univ. Tehnica "Gh. Asachi" Iasi | Univ. "L. Blaga" din Sibiu | Univ. "Dunarea de Jos" din Galati
RDI Financing:
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
Proces - Verbal evaluare și selecție a dosarelor de concurs Încheiat astăzi: 12.02.2025 Proiect PRIMSTUD
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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