- Scientific Research and Digitalization
- CRC&D-Auto
- Proiecte de cercetare in derulare
- Stages and activities PC1
The component project 1, titled "Improving production flows in automotive and aerospace industries by integrating modern methods and techniques for production management" is coordinated by the research team from the University of Pitesti. The stages and activities required for this component project are as follows.
Stage 1.1 Research and experimentation of some improvement models of production flows (deadline: 31.12.2018)
Activity 1.1.1 Research on the methods, techniques and tools used for layout design, modeling and simulation of production flows and Lean Manufacturing
Activity 1.1.2 Development of research infrastructure - the development of research platforms
Activity 1.1.3 Experimental models of spatial organization (layout design) of production systems
Activity 1.1.4 Dissemination - project advertising
Stage 1.2 Experimentation of production flow simulation models and application of the Lean Manufacturing concept (deadline: 31.12.2019)
Activity 1.2.1 Experimentation of models of production flow simulation
Activity 1.2.2 Development of research infrastructure - the development of research platforms
Activity 1.2.3 Experimentation of models of Lean Manufacturing concept implementation
Activity 1.1.4 Dissemination - project advertising
Stage 1.3 Development and validation of the methodology for production flows improvement under laboratory conditions (deadline: 31.08.2020)
Activity 1.3.1 Development of the methodology for production flows improvement under laboratory conditions
Activity 1.3.2 Development of research infrastructure - completion of the laboratory for experimentation
Activity 1.3.3 Applying and validating of the methodology for production flows improvement under laboratory conditions
Activity 1.3.4 Dissemination - final result advertising
Activity 1.3.5 Valuing of the methodology and the infrastructure developed by the project through technology transfer to industrial companies
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
Proces - Verbal evaluare și selecție a dosarelor de concurs Încheiat astăzi: 12.02.2025 Proiect PRIMSTUD
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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