President of Senate 2016-2020
The Senate represents the highest decision-making and deliberation force of the University of Piteşti, a balance factor and a guarantor of academic freedom and university autonomy.
As President of the UPIT Senate, in the 2016-2020 mandate I will supervise the respect and fulfillment of this forum’s mission, of the academic and ethical values that constitute the basis of the university development.
I invite you, dear colleagues senators and honorable members of the academic community from Piteşti University, to establish an institutional culture and behavior based on correct rules, clearly defined for all, and on some basic principles:
- respect among colleagues, respect for the rules, for all stakeholders, for the institution,
- balance - building a common good culture,
- debate, communication and transparency - building a culture of constructive debate, free communication and full transparency in decision-making and management,
-cohesion and collaboration - "together we are stronger".
The University of Piteşti is and must remain a university capable of generating performance, quality, visibility, respect, involvement in community life.
So help us God!
President of UPIT Senate
Prof.Univ.Dr. Mihaela DIACONU
Audience program: Thursday 13: 00-15: 00
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