Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Româna English Français

DPPD este implicat activ în realizarea de manifestări ştiinţifice Internaţionale.

Manifestările ştiinţifice în care este implicat DPPD corespund criteriilor elaborate de către CNCSIS

Unele dintre cele mai importante manifestări ştiinţifice organizate de către DPPD sunt:

International Conference Edu-World „Education facing contemporary world issues” Piteşti, (ediţia I) organizată de Universitatea din Bucureşti, Universitatea din Piteşti şi Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Argeş - 1-3 iunie, 2004. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2004/  


International Conference Edu-World „Education facing contemporary world issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a II a)  organizată de Universitatea din Bucureşti, Universitatea din Piteşti şi Inspectoratul Şcolar Judeţean Argeş - 1-3 iunie, 2006. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2006/


International Conference EcoMedia Europe 2007 – RO, a Socrates Comenius 3 Network supported by the European Comission, University of Piteşti, 23 th – 24th  November 2007. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ecomedia2007/


International Conference Edu-World 2008 With the Main Theme „Education Facing Contemporary World Issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a III a) June 05th-08th, organised by the Balkan Society for Pedagogy and Education, University of Bucharest and University of Piteşti, 5-8 iunie 2008. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2008.



International Conference Edu-World 2010 With the Main Theme „Education Facing Contemporary World Issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a IV a) October 08th-09th, organised by the University of Bucharest and University of Piteşti, 8-9 octombrie2010. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2010.



International Conference Edu-World 2012 With the Main Theme „Education Facing Contemporary World Issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a V a) November 29th- December 1st, 2012 organised by the Education, University of Bucharest and University of Piteşti. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2012.


International Conference Edu-World 2014 With the Main Theme „Education Facing Contemporary World Issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a VI a) November 07th- 09th, 2014 organised by the Education, University of Bucharest and University of Piteşti. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2014.


1st International Symposium "Pre-university education - present and future" (ISPEPF-2016) under ECAI-2016 International Conference, Iasi, 2016. Organizers: ISJ Arges and Departament of Teacher's training by Ana Oproescu, Adriana Lazar

1st International Workshop on Trends and Opportunities in Teaching Career (IWTOTC-2016)under ECAI-2016 International Conference, Ploiesti, 2016. Organizers: Departament of Teacher's training by Ionut Bulgaru, Ana Oproescu, Adriana Lazar


International Conference Edu-World 2016 With the Main Theme „Education Facing Contemporary World Issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a VII a) November 04th- 05th, 2016 organised by the Education, University of Bucharest and University of Piteşti. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2016.


2nd International Symposium "Pre-university education - present and future" (ISPEPF-2017) under ECAI-2017 International Conference, Iasi, 2017. Organizers: ISJ Arges and Departament of Teacher's training by Ana Oproescu, Adriana Lazar

2nd International Workshop on Trends and Opportunities in Teaching Career (IWTOTC-2017)under ECAI-2017 International Conference, Targoviste, 2017. Organizers: Departament of Teacher's training by Ionut Bulgaru, Ana Oproescu, Adriana Lazar


3rd International Symposium "Pre-university education - present and future" (ISPEPF-2018) under ECAI-2018 International Conference, Iasi, 2018. Organizers: ISJ Arges and Departament of Teacher's training by Ana Oproescu, Adriana Lazar


3rd International Workshop on Trends and Opportunities in Teaching Career (IWTOTC-2018) under ECAI-2018 International Conference, Iasi, 2018. Organizers: Departament of Teacher's training by Ionut Bulgaru, Ana Oproescu, Adriana Lazar


International Conference Edu-World 2018 With the Main Theme „Education Facing Contemporary World Issues” Piteşti, (ediţia a VIII a) November 09th- 10th, 2018 organised by the Education, University of Bucharest and University of Piteşti. Web: http://www.upit.ro/ew2018.


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