Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Româna English Français



            The mission of the doctoral domain Mechanical Engineering consists in:

            – train specialists in the field of Mechanical Engineering;

            – produce and transmit scientific information in order to enhance knowledge in the domain of Mechanical Engineering;

            – enrich scientific heritage by publishing scientific works (articles, books, etc.);

            University of Pitești organizes doctoral studies in the domain of Mechanical Engineering in conformity with Law 88/1993 and HG 568/28.07. 2009. The Mechanical Engineering domain was approved through HG 595/2015 regarding the domains and accredited university Master’s programmes and the maximum number of students to be matriculated in the academic year 2015-2016, as well as the doctoral university programmes within higher education, art. 3, published in Monitorul Oficial (Official Gazette) no. 595, part I, from 6.08.2015, Annex 3, position U36 – 7 (Annex I.2.1.1 HG 595).

The activity of doctoral supervisors and doctoral students in the domain of Mechanical Engineering is coordinated by the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School within IOSUD – University of Pitești.

            The activities within the doctoral programs are carried out in accordance with the provisions of The Regulations concerning the professional activities of the doctoral studies (Regulamentul privind activitățile profesionale ale studiilor universitare de doctorat) and of The Regulation for the organization and development of doctoral study programmes within IOSUD University of Pitești (Regulamentul privind organizarea și desfășurarea studiilor universitare de doctorat în cadrul IOSUD UPIT), as well as of The Methodology for the exams, research projects and reports at the university doctoral studies within UPIT (Metodologia privind susținerea examenelor, proiectelor de cercetare și rapoartelor pentru studiile universitare de doctorat în cadrul Universităţii din Pitești).

            The training based on advanced university studies is carried out in the first year of study through 4 compulsory disciplines common to the doctoral fields in the branch of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, industrial engineering and management, according to the curriculum.



            The individual scientific research program is organized during the IInd and IIIrd years and includes at least three scientific research reports.

            The two components of the curriculum are detailed in the Annex to the Doctoral Studies Contract - Training plan through doctoral university studies, for each doctoral student. The doctoral university studies end with the elaboration and public defence of the doctoral thesis (Rules for elaboration and writing of the doctoral thesis (Reguli de elaborare si redactare a tezei de doctorat).



Prof. PhD Eng. Hab. Nicolae-Doru STĂNESCU, CV, List of works


Prof. PhD Eng. Hab. Nicolae-Doru STĂNESCU, CV, List of works

Prof. Emeritus PhD Eng. Nicolae POPA, CV

Prof. Emeritus PhD Eng. Nicolae PANDREA, CV



1. Prof. PhD Eng. Alexandru BOROIU, CV

2. Prof. PhD Eng. Silviu BUTNARIU, CV

3. Assoc Prof. PhD Cătălin DUCU, CV

4. Prof. PhD Eng. Sebastian PÂRLAC, CV

5. Prof. PhD Chem. Gabriela PLĂIAȘU, CV

6. Prof. PhD Eng. Dinel POPA, CV

7. Assoc Prof. PhD Eng. Alin RIZEA, CV





            The admission contest at university doctoral studies contain a specialized test, specific to the domain of study Art. 13(1).

            - the specialized test for the admission contest at university doctoral studies corresponding to a specific doctoral domain is sustained in front of a commission - Art. 15(1);

            - the specialized for the admission contest consists in an oral presentation concerning of own preoccupations of scientific research, studied research and a direction in which the PhD thesis would be completed. This presentation is followed by a clarifying discussion with the members of the admittance commission at the university doctoral studies

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