- Faculties
- IOSUD/CSUD – PhD studies
- Interdisciplinary Doctoral school
- Materials Engineering
Doctoral studies in Materials Engineering field
The field of doctoral studies in Materials Engineering has operated in the University of Piteşti since 2000. According to the address no. 44040 / 23.11.2000 . The mission of the Materials Engineering doctoral studies field is to develop educational activities at doctoral level (level 8 qualifications from the European Qualifications Framework - EQF and from the National Qualifications Framework) and scientific research activities in the field of Materials Engineering, with visibility at national and international level, being in accordance with the mission of the University of Pitești, presented in the UPIT Charter
Currently, the field operates at the University of Pitești with two active doctoral supervisors and mentors in the steering committee .
Carrying out the activities within the doctoral study programs is done in compliance with the provisions of the Regulation on the professional activities of doctoral studies ( Regulation on the professional activities of doctoral studies) of the Regulation on the organization and conduct of doctoral studies within the IOSUD UPIT ( Regulation for the organization and conduct of doctoral studies within the IOSUD UPIT) and of the Methodology for taking exams, research projects and reports for doctoral studies at the University of Pitesti ( Methodology for taking exams, research projects and reports for doctoral studies at the University of Pitești, even in emergency situations).
The program of doctoral studies in Materials Engineering is presented in the form of a package of documents, including: the mission, the training objectives (general and specific) of the program; professional qualification in relation to COR ISCO 08 (occupations, possibilities for integration on the labor market), the weekly structure of the academic year, the curriculum with the percentages of each discipline expressed by ECTS study credits, the distribution of credits according to competences and the course syllabus included in the curriculum ( DD_IM Curriculum). This information package is made in a computerized system, through the SIIMADC platform.
The curriculum of the doctoral study program of Materials Engineering includes the training based on advanced university studies and the individual scientific research program.
The training based on advanced university studies is carried out in the first year of study through 4 compulsory disciplines common to doctoral fields in the sciences of mechanical engineering, mechatronics, industrial engineering and management (Ethics and academic integrity, intellectual property rights; Information technology in research and documentation, elaboration of scientific research works; Management of scientific research projects, research methods; Methods and techniques of statistical analysis of experimental data) and two disciplines established by each doctoral supervisor according to the skills and research topics of the guided doctoral students.
The disciplines provided in the curriculum provide the doctoral student with the basic training necessary for the preparation of the research project, research reports and doctoral thesis. Each subject in the curriculum has a course syllabus.
The forms of evaluation of the study disciplines are exams, which are taken at the end of the semester in which the discipline takes place.
The individual scientific research program is organized during years II and III and includes at least three scientific research reports. The doctoral supervisor is responsible for the structure, content, organization and development of the individual scientific research program. He is obliged to provide the conditions, knowledge and information to maximize the chances of completing the doctoral program. To ensure a coherent scientific path, the scientific research program is planned by the doctoral supervisor together with the doctoral student. It includes minimum requirements, which have the role of guiding, supporting and correcting the student's scientific path:
a) presentation by the doctoral student of the research reports about his progress in the scientific research, oriented, as a rule, on the three parts of the thesis;
b) attending international / national conferences and publication of scientific papers in accordance with the requirements imposed by the National Minimum Standards for the award of the doctoral degree (OMEN 5110/2018).
The presentation of research reports is made in front of the doctoral supervisor and the members of the steering committee and can be made public. After the presentation of each report, the minutes are drawn up in which the grade given to the report is recorded (very good, good, satisfactory, unsatisfactory).
The two components of the curriculum are detailed in the Annex to the Doctoral Studies Contract - Training plan through doctoral studies, for each doctoral student.
The doctoral university studies end with the elaboration and public defense of the doctoral thesis, which, for the scientific doctorate, must be the result of the doctoral student’s own research activity and contain original results in the field of scientific knowledge (Art. 72 (2 ) of the Regulation on the organization and development of doctoral studies within IOSUD University of Piteşti (Regulation on the organization and development of doctoral studies within IOSUD University of Piteşti).
PhD students in the field of Materials Engineering carry out research activity, mainly in laboratories belonging to the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology (https://www.upit.ro/en/NANOBIOMAT), to the Regional Research-Development Center for innovative materials, processes and products for the automotive industry - CRC & D-Auto, and access to these places takes place according to "Procedure CRC & D-Auto infrastructure access”, available at (https://www.upit.ro/ro/CRCD) and the Modeling and Processes and Systems Research Center (https://www.upit.ro/ro/CCMSPS ). Doctoral students working at UPIT partner research institutes carry out research activities in the research laboratories of the partner institutes.
In the field of doctoral studies in Materials Engineering the following professors are affiliated:
- Prof. emeritus dr. eng. Abrudeanu Mărioara (quality acquired according to the Order of the Minister of National Education no.5203 / 23.11.2000
- Prof.univ.dr.habil. Șchiopu Adriana-Gabriela (habilitation according to OMEN no. 5819 / 27.12.2017
Prof.univ.dr.habil. Adriana-Gabriela ȘCHIOPU - CV, gabriela.plaiasu@upit.ro, UEFISCDI ID (UEF-ID):, U-1700-039F-0879, Scopus Author ID:23490291100,https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Plaiasu-Ag, https://orcid.org/0000-0001-8648-4402
The main research directions in the field of Materials Engineering that agree with the research topics proposed by PICDI, are:
- elaboration and characterization of nanomaterials with special properties,
- study of corrosion processes and corrosion protection;
- advanced characterization of materials;
- research on the behaviour of materials in different mechanical, thermal conditions and in aggressive environments;
- treatments applied to increase the performance and reliability of the products;
- research on materials for C.B.R.N sensors;
- development of new materials in accordance with economic needs and the national research-development-innovation strategy.
The scientific research activity of the PhD supervisors and the teaching staff involved in the training program based on advanced studies and the guidance of PhD students in the field of PhD Materials Engineering is carried out in accordance with the Internal Research-Development and Innovation Plan (PICDI) of the Faculty of Mechanics and Technology with that of the Regional Research-Development Center for materials, processes and innovative products for the automotive industry CRC & D-Auto and of the Research Center Modeling and simulation of processes and systems.
- Prof.univ.dr.ing.habil. Eduard-Laurențiu NIȚU - CV
- Prof.univ.dr.ing.habil. Ștefan TABACU - CV
- Conf.univ.dr.fiz. Cătălin DUCU - CV
- Conf.univ.dr. Ben AMARA_AYED - CV
- Conf.univ.dr.. Constantin Augustus BĂRBULESCU - CV
- Conf.univ.dr. ing. Sorin CIUCĂ -CV
- Conf.univ.dr. Dorin GRECU - CV
- Conf.univ.dr. Mihai OPROESCU - CV
- Conf.univ.dr. Vasile-Gabriel IANA -CV
- Dr.chim. Maria Magdalena DICU - CV
- C.S. Aurelian Denis NEGREA - CV
- C.S. Sorin Georgian MOGA - CV
- ing. Nadia CANTIN - CV
- C.P.dr.ing. Maria ROTH
- C.P.dr.ing. Vasile RADU - CV
- Dr.ing. Claudiu ȘUTAN
List of doctoral students, 2018-2022
The doctoral studies end with the elaboration and public presentation of the doctoral thesis, which must be the result of the own research activity of the doctoral student and contain original results in the field of scientific knowledge. The elaboration and writing of the doctoral thesis is carried out according to the rules established at the level of the Interdisciplinary Doctoral School (Rules for elaborating and writting doctoral theses) (text in Romanian).
IOSUD UPIT: Formulare utile
CCOC UPIT: Centrul de Consiliere şi Orientare în Carieră al Universităţii din Piteşti
Biblioteca UPIT & Acces la resurse ştiinţifice
All UPIT students (including doctoral students) have access to international databases, UPIT being a member of the ANELIS + project. The way in which they can access these databases is presented at: http://cat-biblioteca.upit.ro/bibl/Pagina%20WEB/Site_nou/BazeDate.htm. Access can be made from a computer with the UPIT IP (mandatory for the first time, in order to create the account) or it can be mobile.
The relevant databases for the PhD field in Industrial Engineering, to which PhD students have access, is Springerlink, Science Direct, MathSciNet, Scopus. There is also access to the integrative database (scientometric data) Web of Science. Also, doctoral students have access to books in digital format by accessing the Digital Library, based on the access card to the UPIT library, the BUP space, at the address http://biblioteca.upit.ro şi http://tinread.upit.ro/opac .
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
A început procesul de selecție a grupului țintă (GT3) în cadrul proiectului ”Universitatea 4.0 – universitate deschisă și conectată pentru creșterea rezilienței instituționale”, Cod p
Proces - Verbal evaluare și selecție a dosarelor de concurs Încheiat astăzi: 12.02.2025 Proiect PRIMSTUD
Biblioteca Digitală a Universității din Pitești Bibliografii în format digital – un nou serviciu online oferit utilizatorilor - Ghid de acces -
March 2025
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