Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

Universitatea Națională
de Știință și Tehnologie

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Instituție de învățământ superior cu grad de încredere ridicat Logo ARACIS
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#GOLDPLAST had the honour to host in its plant Dr. Eng. Dumitru Chirlesan, Rector of the University of Pitesti, for the inauguration of the new production line in Topoloveni. We are proud to share the words of appreciation he expressed after his visit: “I was delighted to attend the excellent event you organised in Topoloveni. It confirmed to me the actual, modern tendencies in the Industry 4.0 Era. You, via GOLDPAST, successfully create more than jobs and social welfare. You create a social and economical local partnership. I wish you success in your journey and I assure you about the willingness of UPIT to be together with you in this important demarche”. #passionforsuccess #abletogeneratetrust #workingwithintegrity #behavingresponsibly  Domenico Paolo Zaccone Luca Rabbia


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